The basis for the 3.50 performances comes from a Fulton Competition 959ci billet masterpiece, which utilizes a 5.300 bore space engine block. Multiple stages of nitrous help increase output to a robust 3,300hp, as recording on FuelTech’s in-house Mainline hub dyno.
Controlling the chemically enhanced 3,300hp monster engine is the job of a FuelTech FT600 engine management system. All PowerFT ECUs feature sequential injection and ignition, O2 closed loop, Data Logger, Delay Box, Boost Controller, and much more. The built-in Pro-Nitrous control is widely recognized in the RvW, 275 Radial, and Pro Modified worlds as being one of the most effective controllers on the market, giving the user a set of tools for engine tuning as well as power control for record-setting performances. The FT600 is more than just an ECU; it doubles as an LCD display screen for the driver to keep tabs on the engine and allow him or her to make tune changes without connecting to a laptop or PC computer.