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FTManager v4.1 Software for ECUs Update

February 04, 2019

Follow the steps below to update the ECU:

Step 1 - Before updating the ECU, back up the maps and logs in the ECU: It's recommended to back up all the important maps and logs contained in the FT450, FT500, FT500LITE, FT550 or FT600. The update won't delete the maps, but will delete the logs.

Step 2 - Download version 4.1 of FTManager: Download the new version in the "Software> FTManager" menu at FuelTech site or CLICK HERE to download the new version.

Step 3:
Open the FTManager software and plug the USB cable into the ECU, click in "Tools" tab and then the icon "ECU Updater". 

4.1 Update - New Features

Click on "+" and check out all the details of the new functions

flex fuel


Flex Fuel feature has up to 7 compensation tables to adapt the tune to ethanol percentage used. Ethanol percentage reading comes from a Flex Fuel sensor installed in the fuel line and wired to one of the FuelTech analog inputs. The same sensor is also capable of reading fuel temperature. According to ethanol percentage, the ECU will use the tables to apply all necessary compensations.

Main fuel injection compensation:
The main fuel injection table works real time over the main fuel map, compensating the fuel need according to the ethanol percentage in the tank. One of the axis on the table is ethanol percentage, the other is MAP or TPS (depend of main fuel table setting) and the amout of fuel to be added or subtracted must be placed in the table cells.



Engine start and Prime pulse compensation: Fuel percentage compensation table for prime pulse and engine start according to the percentage of ethanol used.

Based on a ethanol tune, ethanol percentage decrease requires negative compensation to start the engine.

For gasoline based map, raising the ethanol level requires positive compensation to start the engine

Acceleration fuel enrichment compensation:
Acceleration fuel enrichment compensation can be adjusted by adding or removing fuel using an ethanol percentage table.

Usually, ethanol engines require more acceleration fuel enrichment than gas tuned engines.


O2 closed loop target compensation: O2 closed loop target table is based on ethanol percentage and MAP or TPS (depending of main fuel table settings). All the values set on the table will be added or subtracted to the main closed loop table and interpolated according to engine RPM.

Usually closed loop targets change according to the fuel for performance and engine safety. In most cases, targets for ethanol are lower than when using gas.



Main ignition compensation: It is possible to adjust ignition compensations depending of ethanol percentage; the table is also related to MAP or TPS reading. The values set in the table are in ºBTDC and are added to the ignition map, interpolating MAP or TPS with engine rpm to obtain the final value.



Wastegate Boost Control compensation: When the BoostController feature is enabled, it is possible to change pressure targets in the wastegate according to ethanol percentage; adjusting engine power to the fuel used. The values added in the table are added or removed in BoostController function maps, even in cases of different pressures per gear, 2-step, 3-step, Burnout or Pre-Start target pressures.



Generic duty cycle compensation: Maps where turbo pressure is controlled by generic duty cycle output, ethanol percentage can also change the pulse that opens / closes the wastegate, adjusting the engine power to the fuel used. The value entered in the table is added to the original PWM curve of the map.




The idea of this feature is to simulate the staging and launch of a drag racing car; allowing the driver to practice and achieve
better reaction times.

Note: This feature requires 2-step to be set up and activated using an external button.

There are four different settings for how the drag tree is going to light up:
Full: One light after the other
Pro: All three lights together
Rollout: The time it takes for the car to start moving after releasing the button

3- Drag tree simulator

4- Staging simulator, the upper and bottom lines represent pre-staging and staging (only shows up if a staging button is configured)

5- Reaction time

*This feature is available in the following ECUs: FT450, FT550 and FT600

NHRA 2019


New NHRA firmware adjusted for the 2019 regulations. These are the instructions for the update:

Step 1 - Before updating the ECU, back up the maps and logs in the ECU: It's recommended to back up all the important maps and logs contained in the FT450, FT500, FT500LITE, FT550 or FT600. The update won't delete the maps but will delete the logs.

Step 2 - Download version 4.1 of FTManager: Download the new version in the "Software> FTManager" menu at FuelTech site or CLICK HERE to download the new version.

Step 3: Open the FTManager software and plug the USB cable into the ECU, click in "Tools" tab and then the icon "ECU Updater".


A new window is going to pop up, click on "variation" visible on the upper bar, select the ECU and then "NHRA (Download required)" ATTENTION: For this update, the computer must have internet connection.


Mechanical Fuel Injection Controller (MFI - Blower Timers) and Fuel Flow Sensors


The Mechanical Fuel Injection Controller is used to activate or deactivate solenoids that decrease the amount of fuel that goes to the engine (Lean out solenoids) in cars that use mechanical fuel injection (without fuel injectors).

The function can be enabled by a button on the ECU dashboard, by an external switch (requires an appropriately configured analog input) or always active when the ECU is switched on.

When the external key is selected, it is necessary to configure how the input activation mode will be; whether by 0V or 12V.



Timers and Delays: Stages can be triggered within a RPM window and/or maintain the desired stages during the 2-step and 3-step by enabling them in the check boxes.

Stages control is done by time after the 2-step with a validated launch, being configurable an activation and deactivation time for that stage output, and there is still the possibility to activate and deactivate the same stage up to three times during the same launch.

The ignition compensations for each stage can be activated or deactivated with a delay time in relation to the fuel solenoid activation time; thus seeking to get the exact time that ignition timing needs to be changed to equal the fuel difference that is going to the engine.

Timers timing table: Ignition stages compensations are set Stage x RPM table in ºBTDC. The value set in the first table will advance or retard ignition timing on the main ignition table.

The second table will show main ignition timing table with MFI compensations of the selected stages; however all other ignition compensations configured in the Ignition Tables section will still be applied.


Fuel flow sensor: Any sensor configured will be shown in the unit display and/or recorded log but to have fuel consumption, at least 1 pump and 1 return is needed. In the event of having 2 separated fuel feeds, like blower hat and intake runners, it is required to have 4 individual sensors to be able to measure fuel delivery per line.



After executing the program, Windows Defender SmartScreen may display a warning message when installing FT Manager.

Here are the steps to follow to install FT Manager if this happens to you:

A - Click More info link:


B - Click the Run anyway and wait for the installation to finish:


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