FuelTech offers a full line of products to help make your racecar better and one of its most popular accessories is the FT SwitchPanel. Offered in three sizes with the numeric designation representing the number of buttons—SwitchPanel-8 Mini, -5 Mini, and -4 Mini—the FT SwitchPanel is compatible with all PowerFT ECUs (FT450, FT550, FT550LITE, and FT600) through FTCAN 2.0.
One of the most common questions that FuelTech representatives field on a daily basis is how to configure the buttons on the SwitchPanel. Cameron Lohrmann, the head of tech support at FuelTech, put together an instructional video walking you through its configuration with the PowerFT software. In this short video Lohrmann sets up a simple fan function using basic inputs and outputs. There are several standard button options already programmed into the software, however users can customize each one for their specific use.